名詞 鸚鵡螺,缸魚,鸚鵡螺號 詞形變化
復(fù)數(shù) nautiluses,nautip
a submarine that is propelled by nuclear power
cephalopod of the Indian and Pacific oceans having a spiral shell with pale pearly partitions
cephalopod mollusk of warm seas whose females have depcate papery spiral shells
genus nautilus phr. 鸚鵡螺屬
chambered nautilus 鸚鵡螺
paper nautilus phr. 船艄屬 (Argonauta) 軟體動物(其雌性具紙狀外殼)
pearly nautilus n. 〈動〉鸚鵡螺
Nautilus n. 鸚鵡螺號(美國建造的世界第一艘原子動力潛水艇,于1958年在北極地區(qū)廣大冰塊下,首次越極航行)
nautilus n. 鸚鵡螺,缸魚,鸚鵡螺號