今天晚上吃完飯,媽媽讓我練字,媽媽讓我練十、木、禾這三個字,這三個字我會寫,但是我寫的不好看,媽媽說橫要寫平、豎要寫直,我按媽媽給我說的方法去寫,還真寫的有點好看,媽媽說讓我 多寫,寫多了就寫好了。
After dinner this evening, my mother asked me to practice Chinese characters. My mother asked me to practice the three words of ten, wood and he. I can write them, but I can't write them well. My mother said that I should write them horizontally and vertically. I wrote them according to the way my mother told me. It's really good-looking. My mother said that I should write more and write them more.