寒假里,我決心把我的字體練一練。但是堅持三天后,我發(fā)現(xiàn)練字不是一件容易的事,心里就想放棄了,反正以后還可以再練。但另一個聲音又在耳邊響起:要堅持,才能把字練好。我媽媽看到 我在那里坐著不動,就來問我怎么回事,我把事情給她講了一遍。媽媽就給我講了好多故事來鼓勵我,于是我就堅持了下來。
During the winter vacation, I decided to practice my typeface. But after three days, I found that it was not easy to practice. I wanted to give up. Anyway, I could practice again later. But another voice sounded in the ear: to adhere to the word to practice. When my mother saw that I was sitting still, she asked me what was the matter, and I told her about it. My mother told me a lot of stories to encourage me, so I persisted.