Does Travel Broaden The Mind?
One often hears it said that travel broadens the mind: if you stay in your own country the whole time , your ideas remain narrow; whereas if you travel abroad you see new customs, eat new foods, do new things, and come back home with a broader mind.
But does this always — or even usually — happen? An acquaintance2 of mine who lives in England and had never been outside it until last summer, decided to go over3 to France for a trip. When he returned, I asked him how he liked it.“Terrible, ”was his answer.“ I couldn’t get a nice cup of tea anywhere . 4 Thank goodness I’m back. ”I asked him whether he hadn’t had any good food while he was there .“Oh, the dinners were all right, ”he said.“I found a little place where they made quite good fish and chips. Not as good as ours, mind you5, but they were passable. But the breakfasts were terrible: no bacon or kippers. I had fried eggs and chips, but it was quite a 6 business getting them to make them. They expected me to eat rolls. And when I asked for marmalade , they brought strawberry jam. And do you know, they insisted that it was marmalade? The trouble is they don’t know English. ”
I thought it useless to explain that we borrowed the word‘marmalade ’from French, and that it means, in that language, any kind of jam. So I said,“But didn’t you eat any of the famous French food?”“What? Me?”he said.“Of course not! Give me good old English food every time! None of these fancy bits for me! ”O(jiān)bviously travel had not broadened his mind.
This does not, of course, happen only to Englishmen in France: all nationalities, in all foreign countries, can be found judging what they see, hear, taste and smell according to their own habits and customs. People who are better educated and who have read a lot about foreign countries tend to be more adaptable7 and tolerant8, but this is because their minds have already been broadened before they start travelling. In fact, it is easier to be broad-minded about foreign habits and customs, if one’s acquaintance with these things is limited to books and films. The American smiles tolerantly over the absence of central heating in most English homes when he is himself comfortably seated in his armchair in his centrally heated house in Chicago; the English man reads about the sanitary arrangements in a certain tropical country, and the inhabitants of the latter read about London fogs, and each side manages to be detached and broad-minded. 9 But actual physical contact with things one is unaccustomed to is much more difficult to bear philosophically.
Perhaps the ideal would be if travel could succeed in making people tolerant of the habits and customs of others without abandoning their own. The criterion for judging a foreigner could be: Does he try to be polite and considerate to others? Instead of: Is he like me?
Ⅰ. True o r Fa lse :
1. It is often said that if you travel abroad to see many new things, your mind will be broadened.
2. The Englishman had a happy life when he travelled to France .
3. The word‘marmalade’is originally a French word, which means any kind of jam.
4. In the view of the author, people often judge things according to their own habits and customs.
5. The author thinks that people who are better educated and read a lot are easily to be tolerant.
6. Tea , bacon, kippers, chips are all typical English food.
Ⅰ. 1. T 2. F 3 . T 4 . T 5 . T 6 . T
經(jīng)常聽人說旅游使人心胸開闊: 如果人們一直呆在本國, 思維就會很狹隘; 可要是人們 到國外旅游一番, 見識新的風(fēng)俗, 品嘗新的食物, 有過新的經(jīng)歷, 回來后心胸就開闊多了。
可是事情總是——— 或者說通常是這樣的嗎? 我認識一個住在英格蘭的朋友。在去年 夏天之前他從沒出過國, 就決定去法國旅游一番?;貋砗? 我問他感覺如何。“ 糟糕透 了, ”他說,“ 哪兒都弄不到一杯好茶喝。謝天謝地, 我回來了?!蔽覇査诜▏袥]有品嘗 什么美味佳肴?!?噢, 食物還不錯, ”他說,“ 我發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個小地方, 那里的魚和薯條做得非 常好。說真的, 雖不如我們的那么美味, 可還算說得過去。但是早餐太糟糕了。既沒有熏 咸肉也沒有腌干魚。我吃煎蛋和薯條, 可要他們?nèi)プ鲞@些食物實在是件大難事。他們希望 我能吃點面包卷。可我問他們要橘子醬( marmalade ) 時, 他們卻給我拿來草莓醬。你知道 嗎? 他們竟還堅持說那就是橘子醬。問題在于他們不懂英語?!?/p>
其實marmalade 一詞來自法語, 它在法語中的意思是任何口味的果醬, 但我覺得給他解 釋這些無濟于事, 所以我說:“ 可是, 你沒有嘗嘗法國名菜嗎? ”“ 什么? 我? ”他問,“ 當(dāng)然沒 有! 每次我都點美味的英式食物! 可那些食物沒一樣能讓我滿意! ”很顯然, 旅游并沒有讓 他心胸開闊。
當(dāng)然, 這種事并不只是發(fā)生在身處法國的英國人身上: 所有到國外去的人都是以他們 自己的習(xí)慣和風(fēng)俗去評價所見所聞及所品嘗的異國風(fēng)味。那些受過良好教育并熟知外國 國情的人更易于適應(yīng)新環(huán)境并比較寬容, 不過這是因為他們在旅游之前心胸就已經(jīng)開闊 了。事實上, 對異國的習(xí)慣和風(fēng)俗的了解如果僅限于書本和電影的話, 人們的心胸更易開 闊。當(dāng)一個美國人舒舒服服地坐在他在芝加哥的裝有中央取暖設(shè)施的房間中的扶手椅里 的時候, 他會對英國大部分住房沒有中央取暖設(shè)施報以寬容的一笑。英國人通過閱讀了解 到某一熱帶國家的衛(wèi)生設(shè)施, 而這一熱帶國家的人也從書面上了解了倫敦的霧。雙方都力 圖保持公正和寬容。而人們在親身接觸自己不習(xí)慣的事物時, 要做到達觀容忍就難多了。
也許, 理想的情況應(yīng)該是這樣的: 旅游既讓人們?nèi)萑坍愑虻牧?xí)慣和風(fēng)俗而又不放棄自 己的傳統(tǒng), 要是這樣就好了。評價外國人的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)就可能是: 看他是否禮貌待人, 是否體諒別 人, 而不是看他是否和自己一樣?
人為何要旅游? 有人是為了開闊心胸, 為了增長見識, 為了實現(xiàn)“ 讀萬卷書, 行萬里路”的理想。但也有很多人去旅游似乎只為追逐時尚。他們名為“ 旅游使人心胸開闊”, 實 為日后的吹虛積攢談資。深居城市并受商業(yè)氣息侵蝕的人容易變得越來越淺薄, 偶爾發(fā)現(xiàn) 不一樣的事物就大驚小怪, 進而“排除異己”。他們算是“ 少見多怪”之人。真正有學(xué)問有 文化的人一般更具有包容性, 他們常?!?見怪不怪”。這是兩種不同的境界。
1. 題目的字面意思是“旅游能讓人心胸開闊嗎?”一說到旅游, 大家的反應(yīng)就是旅游可以使 人心胸開闊。漸漸地, 這似乎成了公認的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。而這篇文章恰恰唱起了反調(diào), 從一個反 面例子巧妙地論述作者自己的見解: 旅游和心胸開闊不成因果關(guān)系。
2 - 3. acquaintance 是指“相識的人, 熟人”, 如: a nodding acquaintance ( 點頭之交或膚淺的知 識, 皮毛) ; a speaking acquaintance ( 見了面談幾句的朋友, 泛泛之交) ; make the acquaintance of somebody ( 或make somebody’s acquaintance) ( 結(jié)識某人) ; He has a wide acquaintance. ( 他交游甚廣。) go over 在這里指“走過去, 走訪, 離家遠行, 旅行”, 如: He has gone over to the coast for a few days. ( 他已去沿海一帶, 要過幾天才回來。)
4. 這句話給了大家一個很好的關(guān)于英國飲食文化的暗示: 飲茶。英國的茶分為上午茶和下 午茶。一般喝上午茶的時間是10 點到11 點之間; 下午3 點到5 點稱下午茶( afternoon tea time) , 5 點到6 點之間的則稱為傍晚茶( high tea) 。19 世紀(jì), 英國上流社會的紳士名 媛開始盛行喝下午茶, 冬天時就在溫暖的爐火邊, 夏天則是在繁花盛開的花園里。它最 重要的功能是讓上流社會的人聯(lián)絡(luò)感情, 交換信息。下文出現(xiàn)的fried fish and chips ( 煎 魚和薯條) ; bacon ( 熏咸肉) ; kipper ( 腌干魚) 都是典型的英式食物。
5. mind you, 用作插入語, 意思是“說真的或請注意, 請聽清楚”, 如: He is a very nice fellow, mind you, but I wouldn’t want to marry him. ( 說真的, 他是個很好的人, 但我不想嫁給 他。) 和mind 連用的詞語還有很多, 如諺語: Many men, many minds. ( 十個人, 十條心。 或譯: 人多心不齊。) Out of sight, out of mind. ( 眼不見, 心不煩。)
6. quite a 是個非常有用的搭配用法, 作“ 異常的, 出眾的, 相當(dāng)大或多的”解, 如: quite a hero ( 了不起的英雄) ; quite a girl ( 不尋常的姑娘) ; It was quite a sight. ( 那是很特別的景象。) 和quite 連用的詞語還有: quite a bit ( 相當(dāng)數(shù)量, 相當(dāng)程度) ; quite a few ( 相當(dāng)多, 不少) ; quite another ( 一個完全不同的) ; quite other ( 完全不同的) 。
7 - 8. 這個句子中的adaptable 指“ 能適應(yīng)新環(huán)境的, 適應(yīng)性強的”, tolerant 則是“ 寬容的, 容 忍的, 忍受的”。
9. 這一句比較長, 閱讀時要注意斷句。分號之前是由when 引導(dǎo)的狀語從句, 帶有對比的含義; 分號后是由and 連接的三個簡單句。句中的central heating 是指“ 集中取暖法, 集 中供暖法”; sanitary 的意思是“公共衛(wèi)生的”; detached 在這里是指“ 不帶感情的, 公正的, 超然的”, 如: a detached air ( 超然的神態(tài)) ; a detached view ( 不偏不倚的觀點) 。