On Sunday, I was a tumbler at home.
First of all, I took an egg and drilled a hole the size of a green bean on it with a needle. Then, pour out the egg white and yolk, wash the eggshell, and bask in the sun.
一會兒,雞蛋殼干了,我在外面找了一盒子土回來,往蛋殼里面一點一點地裝滿了土,再用膠帶把上面的小孔粘住,最后,我拿來水彩筆在上面畫出了漂亮的笑臉,終于,在我的細心工作下,一個漂 亮的不倒翁做成了,媽媽看了之后,滿意地笑了。
After a while, the eggshell dried. I found a box of soil outside and filled it with soil. Then I stuck the holes on it with tape. Finally, I took a watercolor pen and drew a beautiful smile on it. Finally, under my careful work, a beautiful tumbler was made. After my mother saw it, she smiled with satisfaction.
This small production let me understand a truth: as long as you do things carefully and patiently, you will reach a brilliant peak.