疾病和癥狀 epidemic 流行病
symptom 癥狀
infectious disease 傳染病
sneeze 打噴嚏
infection 傳染
cough 咳嗽
stomachache 胃痛
fracture 骨折
be in poor health 身體虛弱
sore throat 嗓子疼
toothache 牙疼
fatigue 疲勞
dizzy 頭暈
runny nose 流鼻涕
faint 昏厥
fever 發(fā)燒
exhausted 筋疲力盡的
high blood pressure 高血壓
have the ankle twisted 扭到腳踝
appetite 胃口
be of strong physique 體格強壯
be in good shape 身體狀況良好 醫(yī)院和醫(yī)生
clinic 診所
ward 病房
treat 治療
feel under the weather 身體不舒服
be in poor shape 身體狀況不佳
the dentist’s 牙科診所
physician 內(nèi)科醫(yī)生
register 掛號
emergency 急癥室
surgeon 外科醫(yī)生
cure 治愈
prescription 處方
take injection 打針
vaccinate 注射疫苗
physical examination 體檢
fill the prescription 抓藥
surgery 外科手術(shù) 不良習慣
take temperature 量體溫
dosage 劑量
operation 手術(shù)
tobacco 煙草
nicotine 尼古丁
addict 上癮
tar 焦油
heavy smoker 煙癮大的人
lung cancer 肺癌
quit smoking 戒煙 減肥鍛煉
put on weight 長胖
excessive drinking 酗酒
overweight 超重
on diet 節(jié)食
lose weight 減肥
physical exercise 鍛煉
slimming drug 減肥藥
fitness center 健身中心
build up a good physique 鍛煉身體
body-building 健身