The generation gap is a common phenomenon that exists everywhere and at every time between parents and children. It results in misunderstandings and causes friction between loved ones. You are to suggest only ONE way to solve the problem.
Solving the Generation Gap Problem
Although some generational differences have existed throughout history, during this era differences between the two generations grew significantly in comparison to previous times, particularly with respect to such matters as musical tastes, fashion, culture and politics. The only and most important thing to bridge the generation gap is to stay in communication with frank, honest and open chat.
First of all, communication enables young people to understand the older generation better. The younger generation naturally differs in dress, food and habits. They think old people do not fit in the modern world, so they tend not to listen to their counsel. However, older people have more experience and can share their advice with the new generation, Secondly, communication makes it easier for old people to understand the younger generation. Old people are fully convinced of their ideas as ultimate and ideal. They impose their self-righteous attitude on the young, who, however, are becoming rebellious against the central authority of the paternal figure. Teenagers are always talking about their freedom, usually in context of how their parents are obstacles. Therefore, effective communication is vital in order to overcome any difficulties.
In conclusion,there always has been a generation gap since the dawn of civilization . More understanding and mutual respect seem to be a good way to narrow the generation gap. Therefore, communication with frank and honest chat is the key to this problem.