1. 不管多痛,都會笑著說不疼,因為再痛也沒人心疼,習慣了隱藏,所以總是笑得沒心沒肺,日子久了,笑成為了習慣,痛也成為了習慣。
1. No matter how painful it is, I will laugh and say no pain, because no one loves it anymore, and I'm used to hiding it, so I always laugh heartlessly. After a long time, laughter has become a habit, and pain has become a habit.
2. 安河橋上沒有追光者,童話鎮(zhèn)里沒有溫柔鄉(xiāng),貝加爾湖畔沒有化身孤島的鯨,我的世界也不會再有你。
2. There is no light chaser on an River Bridge, no gentle village in fairytale Town, no whale incarnating in an island on the Bank of Baikal Lake, and my world will never have you again.
3. 這城市夜晚的風很大,吹走坦蕩與浮夸,你總是累的時候想家,孤單的時候想他。
3. The wind in the city is very strong at night, blowing away the magnanimity and exaggeration. You always miss home when you are tired and think of him when you are alone.
4. 當有人突然從你的生命中消失,不用問為什么,只是他或她到了該走的時候了,你只需要接受就好,不論朋友,還是戀人。所謂成熟,就是知道有些事情終究無能為力。
4. When someone suddenly disappears from your life, don't ask why, it's just when he or she has arrived, you just need to accept it, no matter friends or lovers. The so-called maturity is to know that some things are helpless after all.
5. 被最愛的人誤解,難過到不想爭辯,也只有選擇沉默。全世界都可以不懂我,如果你也不懂,我還有什么話可說。
5. Misunderstood by the most loved one, sad to not want to argue, only choose silence. The whole world can not understand me. If you don't understand me, I have something to say.
6. 不要因為結(jié)束而哭泣,微笑吧,因為曾經(jīng)擁有。
6. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
7. 都希望在最好的年華遇見一個人,可往往是遇見了一個人,才迎來最好的年華。
7. All hope to meet a person in the best time, but it is often a person that ushers in the best time.
8. 你可以委屈,可以痛哭,但不要讓所有人都看到你的脆弱。
8. You can be aggrieved, you can cry, but don't let everyone see your vulnerability.
9. 那些我們所相信過的諾言,終于還是成了一記耳光,啪的一聲扇在了自己臉上。你始終都會是我的軟肋,卻永遠都不會是我鎧甲。
9. Those promises we have believed have finally become a slap in the face. You will always be my weakness, but you will never be my armor.
10. 別想了,你喜歡的人早就睡了。夢里沒有你,醒來也不會愛你。
10. Don't think about it. The person you like has been sleeping for a long time. Without you in my dream, I will not love you when I wake up.
11. 很多時候,不經(jīng)意知道一些事后,表面裝得無所謂,用微笑去掩飾,其實心里比什么都疼。
11. A lot of times, I don't know what happened after the event. It doesn't matter to pretend on the surface, but to cover it up with a smile. In fact, my heart hurts more than anything.
12. 整個城市都睡了,只剩我和我的心事不能寐,那個好久不見的你,又占據(jù)我的回憶。
12. The whole city sleeps, only my mind and I can't sleep. You who haven't seen for a long time occupy my memory.
13. 我變成所有你想要的樣子,可丟了自己,也未曾擁有你。
13. I have become all you want, but I have lost myself and never owned you.
14. 他看不到你喝醉的樣子,也看不到你在夜里哭到哽咽的樣子,別傻了,沒人心疼的樣子,真的一文不值。
14. He can't see you drunk or you cry at night. Don't be silly. No one loves you. It's really worthless.
15. 你永遠都不會知道“祝你幸?!边@四個字我打了多久
15. You will never know how long I have typed" wish you happiness"
16. 你在沒有我的地方瘋狂,我在沒有你的地方堅強。
16. You are crazy without me, I am strong without you.
17. 錯愛,就像買了一雙不合腳的鞋子,穿著腳疼,扔了心疼。
17. Wrong love is like buying a pair of shoes that don't fit your feet. It hurts to wear them and to throw them away.
18. 我一直以為愛情是一場考試,只要我努力一點,再努力一點,就能拿到滿意的成績,后來我才知道,這個世界上幾乎所有的東西,都能通過努力得到,偏偏愛不可以。
18. I always thought that love is an exam. As long as I try harder and harder, I can get satisfactory results. Later, I learned that almost everything in the world can be obtained through efforts, but love is not allowed.