1. 不敢試探人心,我怕疼得太清楚,傷得太徹底。
1. Dare not tempt people. I am afraid that the pain is too clear and the injury is too thorough.
2. 喜歡一個人上路,沒有方向,沒有歸宿,只想找一個適合自己的地方停留!
2. Like a person on the road, no direction, no home, just want to find a suitable place to stay!
3. 風(fēng)都無法將你圈養(yǎng),我卻妄想將你收藏。
3. The wind can't keep you in captivity, but I want to collect you.
4. 對那已成過往的心傷,無力改變;對那已逝去記憶的留戀,無力改變!
4. For the hurt that has become the past, we can't change; for the nostalgia that has passed away, we can't change!
5. 如果時光可以倒流,我們在珍惜一次好不好。
5. If time can be reversed, we are cherishing it once.
6. 如果我用你待我的方式來待你,恐怕你早已離去。
If I treat you the way you treat me, I'm afraid you've already left.
7. 我聽著,屬於我們那首歌曲,心里面,流過許多回憶。
7. I listen to our song. In my heart, there are many memories.
8. 別讓過去的悲催,或者未來的憂慮,毀掉自己當(dāng)下的快樂。
8. Don't let the past or the future worry destroy your present happiness.
9. 來也匆匆,去也匆匆,離緒千種,期待著一次重逢。
9. Come in a hurry, go in a hurry, leave the thread thousands of kinds, looking forward to a reunion.
10. 不懂愛的人,后來懂了,懂愛的人,后來不敢愛了。
10. People who don't know how to love, later understand, people who know how to love, later dare not love.
11. 你不愿意種花,你說,我不愿看見它一點點凋落。是的,為了避免結(jié)束,你避免了一切開始。
11. You don't want to plant flowers, you say, I don't want to see it wither a little. Yes, to avoid the end, you avoid the beginning.
12. 總想世界純澈,卻事與愿違,總想事情圓滿,卻不隨心愿,總想人心純粹,卻是一廂情愿……
12. Always think that the world is pure, but things do not go as you wish, always think that things are complete, but not as you wish, always think that people are pure, but wishful thinking
13. 漠漠柔情,為誰天涯夢牽魂縈,斷腸。凄凄心事,為誰凝眸落淚偷零,低泣。
13. Indifference and tenderness, for whom the end of the earth dream leads the soul to linger, heartbreak. Sad heart, for whom eyes shed tears steal zero, low cry.
14. 那是心痛的呼喚,但是,你永遠(yuǎn)看不到,永遠(yuǎn)聽不到,永遠(yuǎn)感覺不到。
14. It's a cry of heartache, but you can never see it, never hear it, never feel it.
15. 從來都不曾懂我,有時候我只是需要你的一個擁抱,不需要問我原因。
15. Never understood me, sometimes I just need a hug from you, don't need to ask me why.
16. 終有一天,我們會接受人生所有的無常聚散,就像我們終于接受自己老去的事實。
16. One day, we will accept all the impermanence of life, just as we finally accept the fact that we are old.
17. 等待是一種痛。忘掉也是一種痛。但不知道該怎么辦,是一種更折磨人的痛。
17. Waiting is a pain. Forgetting is also a pain. But I don't know what to do. It's more painful.
18. 如果我一直不放棄,你會不會陪我走下去。
18. If I never give up, will you go with me.
19. 你還沒開始揭下面具他就開始厭了你說好笑不好笑
19. Before you start to take off the mask, he's tired. You say it's funny, not funny
20. 有時,愛也是種傷害,殘忍的人,選擇傷害別人,善良的人,選擇傷害自己。我是真的要放棄了,因為再也沒有青春可以在你身上浪費了。
20. Sometimes, love is also a kind of hurt, cruel people, choose to hurt others, good people, choose to hurt themselves. I really want to give up, because there is no youth to waste on you.
21. 我不過是想要一份不叛離,不傷害,只有溫暖的愛。
21. I just want a warm love without betrayal and hurt.
22. 你走后我心都空了,當(dāng)回憶突然趁虛而來,我往哪里躲!
22. My heart is empty after you leave. When memories suddenly come, where can I hide!
23. 我很想在你面前流淚最后卻還是選擇裝作打個哈欠。
23. I want to cry in front of you, but I choose to yawn in the end.
24. 誰都有苦衷我再不敢往你身旁拱也不想叫你為我感動。
24. No one has a problem. I don't dare to arch next to you and I don't want you to move me.
25. 總有那么一個人,你說不愛了,卻在聽到他的消息時,心狠狠地抽了一下。
25. There is always a man who, when you say you don't love him, is heartbroken when you hear his news.
26. 心里堆滿了沒有說出口而變成空白的話。
26. My heart is full of words that have not been spoken but become blank.
27. 他對我說別在喝酒胃會痛,我說放下酒杯心會痛。
27. He told me not to drink and my stomach would hurt. I said it would hurt to put down the glass.
28. 總是把心痛的事編成故事講出來當(dāng)是笑話。
28. It's always a joke to tell stories about heartache.
29. 你是我猜不到的不知所措,我是你想不到的無關(guān)痛癢。
29. You are at a loss that I can't guess. I'm a pain that you can't think of.
30. 你們笑得那么燦爛,陽光透過指縫深深的刺傷了我。
30. You laugh so brightly. The sun stabbed me deeply through the fingers.
31. 寧可一生不得相倚,寧可在夢里重逢。不要怨嘆當(dāng)年的拋棄,因為也曾有過好好的珍惜。
31. It's better to live a life without dependence than to meet again in a dream. Don't complain about the abandonment of that year, because there was a good treasure.
32. 有些話,適合爛在心里;有些痛苦,適合無聲無息的忘記!
32. Some words, suitable for rotten in the heart; some pain, suitable for silent forget!
33. 有一天,你會發(fā)現(xiàn),安慰別人的話,始終都安慰不了自己。
33. One day, you will find that if you comfort others, you can never comfort yourself.
34. 時間在變,人也在變。有些事,不管我們?nèi)绾闻?,回不去就是回不去了?/p>
34. Time is changing, so are people. Some things, no matter how hard we try, we can't go back.
35. 年輪流轉(zhuǎn),時光飛逝,我們,彼此遺忘著..........
35. Rings flow, time flies, we forget each other
36. 習(xí)慣了一個人,在午夜里尋找你的氣息,撫摸枕頭旁你的痕跡。
36. Get used to a person, look for your breath in the middle of the night, and touch your trace beside the pillow.