1)good:好的perfect, excellent, outstanding, superior
2)many:許多a lot of, a host of, a sea of
3)some:一些quite a few , several
4)think:認(rèn)為acknowledge, hold the view that
5)more and more:越來越多increasing, increasingly, growing
6)helpful:有益的beneficial, rewarding
7)bad:壞的wicked, dreadful, unfavorable
8)customer:顧客consumer, client
9)in my opinion:以我看來from my part, from my own perspective
10)very:非常exceedingly, extremely
11)cause:引起result in, be triggered by
12)want:想要desire, be eager to
13)remember:記住memorize, bear in mind that
14)have:擁有own, possess
15)poor:窮的needy, impoverished
16)rich:富的wealthy, affluent
17)excellent:棒的excellent, fabulous, marvelous
18)obvious:明顯的apparent, evident
19)healthy:健康的robust, wholesome
20)surprising:驚人的amazing, miraculous
21)beautiful:美的attractive, gorgeous, eye-catching
22)popular:流行的prevailing, prevalent
23)improve:提高enhance, promote, boost
24)solve:解決resolve, tackle, cope with, deal with
25)develop:培養(yǎng)cultivate, foster, nurture
26)complete:完成fulfill, accomplish, achieve
27)keep:保留hold, preserve, retain
28)energetic:有活力的dynamic, vigorous
29)destroy:破壞damage, ruin
30)influence:影響impact, the effect of…
31)pollute:污染taint, contaminate