The number of Muslims worldwide is estimated to bein excess of one billion, making Islam the largestfaith community after Christianity. Of this numberthe overwhelming majority would identifythemselves as Sunni2 Muslims whilst about 15 percent follow a variety of Shiah3 Muslim persuasions.The Arabic word islam means the willingrecognition of and active submission to the guiding command of the One God, Allah4.Whoever acts in this manner is called a muslim, one who acknowledges and submits to the sole, unique God. The Islamic tradition or din( a word which conveys the sense of obedienceclosely related to islam ) is founded upon the guiding command of Allah as contained in theKoran5 . Muslims hold the Koran to be the word of God delivered to Muhammad6, God’s electedmessenger. The revelations were received in just over a twenty-year period , first in Mecca7 ,the Prophet’s birthplace , and later in Medina8 where the first community was established.Both these cities are in present day Saudi Arabia and are regarded by all Muslims as the centralholy places of their faith.
A Muslim must make formal prayers each day at five appointed times: at daybreak, at noon, inmidafternoon, at sunset and after nightfall. The mosque is the place of public worship in Islam.If a mosque is too far away, a Muslim may pray in his own home or elsewhere on a specialprayer rug or mat. He takes formal postures for each statement in the prayer, until heachieves full prostration in the direction of Mecca. Mecca is the holy city and the center ofworship for Muslims. It is not only because Mecca is the birthplace of Muhammad, but alsobecause there exist the Kaaba 9— the holiest shrine, and the Black Stone. It is believed thatthe Kaaba was built by Abraham and the Stone was brought out of Paradise by Adam. Everyyear numerous pilgrims go to Mecca to pay homage. Thus the word“Mecca”has come intoEnglish language, meaning“place one aspires to visit”
Ⅰ. Are the sestatements True or False according to the article ?
1. Shiah is the biggest sect of Islam.
2. Muhammad founded the religion of Islam and he was the messenger of Allah.
3. Every Muslim must go to mosque every day to say his prayers. )
Ⅱ. Translate the Chinese into English , using the word or phrase in paren theses :
1. 花錢切勿超過你的收入。( in excess of) 2. 他拒絕服從不公正的決定。( submit to) 3. 我們對(duì)莎士比亞的天才表示敬仰。( pay homage to)