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In 2003, he was ordered to fight against SARS, 17 years later. In 2020, he came to the front again to fight against the new type of pneumonia. He is 84 years old. He should have enjoyed life at home happily, but he still sticks to the front line of anti epidemic. Like him, other doctors and nurses give up the time of reunion with their relatives, fight against the disease, eat the simplest instant noodles, and fall asleep when they are tired at any place. They are all the most beautiful reversers. As the saying goes, no matter what time is quiet, only someone is carrying a load. 可是這次病毒并沒有讓我們退縮:在得知武漢疫情極為惡劣的時候,許多白衣天使立刻放棄假期,請命前往武漢,選擇做一個逆行者。鐘南山就是其中一個,2003年他臨危受命抗擊非典,時隔17年,2020年他再一次來到前線抗擊新型肺炎。他已經(jīng)84歲了,本應快樂的在家享受生活,卻仍堅守抗疫一線。其他醫(yī)護人也像他一樣,放棄了與親人團聚的時間,與病魔作斗爭,吃的是最簡單的泡面,累了隨便一個地方就能睡著,他們都是最美的逆行者,正如那句話所說:哪有什么歲月靜好,只不過是有人在負重前行。 Besides them, of course, volunteers have also made great contributions. Many capable people donate money to Wuhan, such as masks and protective clothing. A large number of rescue teams went to Wuhan to fight against the new pneumonia. It is said that if one side is in trouble, all sides should support it. On January 24, a non-woven fabric enterprise in a town had bright lights, and the enterprise was putting full power into the production of masks. In order to meet the needs of the epidemic, the workers who should have taken the leave gave up the Spring Festival holiday and resolutely returned to work. The factory director said the workers returned to work three times their wages, ensuring 240000 masks a day and providing materials for medical staff. 當然除了他們,志愿者們也做出了巨大貢獻。許多有能力的人向武漢捐款,捐口罩,防護服等。大批救援隊前往武漢,投入到抗擊新型肺炎的戰(zhàn)役中。正所謂一方有難,八方支援。1月24號,某鎮(zhèn)的一家無紡布企業(yè)內(nèi)燈火通明,企業(yè)正開足馬力投入口罩生產(chǎn)。為了疫情需要,本該休假的工人們放棄了春節(jié)假期,毅然返回工作崗位。廠長表示,工人3倍工資復工復產(chǎn),確保日產(chǎn)24萬只口罩,為醫(yī)護人員提供物資。 In 2003, Xiaotangshan Hospital was built in seven days and nights in China due to SARS. Now, China will build huoshenshan hospital in seven days, with an increase of 1300 beds to provide services for the hospital. 2003年非典,中國七天七夜建成小湯山醫(yī)院,現(xiàn)在,中國將在七天內(nèi)建成火神山醫(yī)院,增加1300張病床,為醫(yī)院提供服務。 Now that we have successfully isolated the virus, I believe that a vaccine will be developed soon. In general, we should wash our hands and wear masks frequently, go out less and exercise more, and reduce the contact with dense crowd. Unite as one to support Wuhan. Come on, Wuhan, China. We are sure to succeed in this anti epidemic campaign. 現(xiàn)在,我們已經(jīng)成功分離病毒,我相信,不久后,就能研究出疫苗。平常我們也要做到勤洗手、戴口罩,少出門、多鍛煉,減少接觸密集人群。眾志成城,支援武漢。武漢加油,中國加油。這場防疫大作戰(zhàn)我們一定能成功。高中英語作文大全 2020為武漢加油的英語作文 This novel coronavirus made me a different new year. 這次新型冠狀病毒疫情,使我過了一個不一樣的新年。 Since the discovery of the virus in December 2019, it was not until January 2020 that people knew that it was a highly infectious disease, and people really paid attention to it. 自從2019年12月發(fā)現(xiàn)了病毒,直至2020年1月人們才知道這是一種傳染力很強的傳染病,大家才真正地重視起來。 This time, the virus was spread because Wuhan illegally sold and consumed wild animals (official information). This is because there are more than 100 kinds of viruses in wild animals. Once they enter the body, they will hurt the body slightly and kill the body severely. Every day, the media and radio broadcast the virus situation, reminding us of the following precautions: wear masks, wash hands frequently, go out less, do not go to crowded places, etc. 這次的病毒是因為武漢違法出售和食用野生動物,從而引起病毒傳播(官方信息)。這是因為野生動物體內(nèi)含有100種以上的病毒,一旦進入體內(nèi),輕則傷身,重則致命。每天媒體、廣播都在播報病毒情況,提醒我們的注意事項有:戴口罩、勤洗手、少出門、不去人員密集處等。 In order to save more patients, huoshenshan hospital was built in Wuhan. Huoshenshan hospital has a building area of 2. 50000 square meters, a total of 600-1000 beds, the construction time is only ten days and ten nights, in the spading work, there are about 35 forklifts, 10 bulldozers, 8 rollers. There are about 300 large machines running at the same time in the whole project. The scene is spectacular. In order to support Wuhan, the state used eight large-scale military transport aircraft to take off from Shenyang, Lanzhou, Guangzhou and Nanjing at 1:30 a.m. on the 2nd, and all of them arrived at Tianhe Airport from 8:55 to 9:30 on the 3rd, totaling 795 soldiers and 58 tons of materials. It can be seen that the people of the whole country are supporting Wuhan. They are united, United, and share the difficulties. 為了救更多病人,在武漢,人們建起了火神山醫(yī)院。火神山醫(yī)院建筑面積有2。5萬平方米,一共有600-1000個床位,建造時間僅用了十天十夜,在鏟平工作中,大約有35臺鏟車,10臺推土機,8臺壓路機。整個項目大約有300臺大型機器同時運作。場面十分壯觀。還有為了支援武漢,國家動用8架大型軍用運輸機,在2日凌晨1時30分分別從沈陽、蘭州、廣州、南京起飛,從3日8時55分開始到9時30分全部抵達武漢天河機場,共有795名軍人和58噸物資??梢?,全國人民都在支援武漢,眾志成城、萬眾一心、共度難關。 During the period of this disease, we bought back a lot of masks and soaps, because masks can prevent most of the virus from entering the body, and also prevent the spread of the virus when talking. Washing hands with soap can disinfect the bacteria on the hands and reduce the incidence of the disease. 在這次病情發(fā)生時期,我們家里買回了很多口罩和肥皂,因為口罩可以阻擋大部分病毒進入體內(nèi),也可以防止說話時進行傳播,用肥皂洗手可以對手上的細菌進行消毒,降低發(fā)病的幾率。 The cold winter is about to pass, and spring will come as promised. When the spring flowers bloom, we can all go to the streets, without masks, with flowers. Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China! 寒冬即將過去,春天一定會如約而至。待春暖花開之時,我們都可以走上街頭,不用口罩,繁花與共。武漢加油!中國加油! 高中英語作文大全相關內(nèi)容,由聽力課堂小編為你整理推薦。小編推薦的英語作文大家還喜歡不?歡迎分享給更多朋友哦。