

          三分鐘英語演講稿如何準備? 為你分享攻略

          Ai高考 · 高中英語

          三分鐘英語演講稿如何準備? 為你分享攻略 聽力課堂接下來將會為各位朋友們分享下三分鐘英語演講稿的相關的技巧,假設你也在為不知道怎么做而苦惱的話,那么,接下來的內容一定會給你帶來啟示的,一起來看看吧。 三分鐘英語演講稿如何準備? 為你分享攻略 1、三分鐘英語演講稿如何準備? 演講前的準備,第一是要確立一個題目或一個話題。一般演講賽都分為命題演講和即興演講。如要進行演講比賽則必須對各個方面加以準備:政治、經濟、文化、教育等,找好立意點,擬定題目。做到心中有數(shù)。 演講時的姿態(tài),訣竅之一是張開雙腳與肩同寬,挺穩(wěn)整個身軀。另一個訣竅是想辦法擴散并減輕施加在身體上的緊張情緒。例如將一只手稍微插入口袋中,或者手觸桌邊、或者手握麥克風等等。 演講時的臉部神情,。說話速度一旦緩慢,情緒即可穩(wěn)固,臉部神情也得以松弛,再者,全身上下也能夠為之泰然自若起來。 三分鐘英語演講稿如何準備? 為你分享攻略 超強的自信心,自信是成功的關鍵,要信心滿滿,充滿期望。 2、三分鐘英語演講稿范文 on credit card at present, a wide vareity of credit cards issued by major banks and shopping malls are thriving in colleges and universities acrothe nation, with a multitude of college students ma-ki-ng up a growing population of card holders. indeed, one out of five students is estimated to be in possession of at least one credit card, and the figure is expected to be on the steady increse, the latest data published by yangtze evening post suggests。 like anything prior to the emergence of this small piece of plastic, the increasing popularity of credit card on campus has both bright and dark sides. on the one hand, young adults in college, free from the trouble of pocketing a considerable sum of cash, could enjoy the convenience of credit cards and purchase expensive goods by installments. on the other hand, however, the irresponsible and excessive use of the cards by these youngsters, the majority of whom are fresh out of middle school incapable of budgeting their money, can make them heavily in debt which will take them years to pay off。 三分鐘英語演講稿如何準備? 為你分享攻略 on my personal level, while enjoying a host of conveniences the credit card may bring, we couldn't afford to ignore a conspicious fact: in most cases, parents are our sole financial sources.instead of spending without any restrict, we are supposed to put studies on the top of our agenda and move ourselves beyond heavy dependence upon our parents。 三分鐘英語演講稿的內容如上文所述,總之,只要各位朋友們按照聽力課堂在上文為大家分享的方法,就可以完成一個非常成功的演講的。




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