英語讀后寫作具體方法是怎樣的?英語讀后寫作范文有哪些?大家在學(xué)習(xí)英語的時候,是需要寫英語讀后作文的,但是很多同學(xué)不知道如何寫,今天聽力課堂就給大家具體介紹下英語讀后寫作具體方法是怎樣的以及英語讀后寫作范文有哪些。英語讀后寫作具體方法英語讀后寫作具體方法是怎樣的?應(yīng)該先概況你讀的內(nèi)容的中心思想,然后從總體上掌握你對文章的感想,寫出你真實的感受,你也可以細寫其中某一段給你難忘的感受.最重要的是真實的感受,不要怕沒文采,只要是你最真的感受,就能敢動人.英語讀后感怎么寫?所謂“感”可以是從書中領(lǐng)會出來的道理或精深的思想,可以是受書中的內(nèi)容啟示而引起的摸索與聯(lián)想,可以是因讀書而激發(fā)的決心和志愿,也可以是因讀書而引起的對社會上某些丑惡現(xiàn)象的抨擊、諷刺。讀后感的表達方式靈活多樣,基本屬于議論范圍,但寫法不同于一般議論文,因為它必須是在讀后的基礎(chǔ)上發(fā)感想。要寫好有體驗、有見解、有感情、有新意的讀后感,必須注意以下幾點:第一,要讀好原文“讀后感”的“感”是因“讀”而引起的?!白x”是“感”的基礎(chǔ)。走馬觀花地讀,可能連原作講的什么都沒有了解,哪能有“感”?讀得膚淺,當(dāng)然也感得不深。只有讀得認(rèn)真,才干有所感,并感得深刻。假設(shè)要讀的是議論文,要弄清它的論點(見解和主張),或者批判了什么錯誤觀點,想一想你受到哪些啟示,還要弄清論據(jù)和結(jié)論是什么。假設(shè)是記敘文,就要弄清它的主要情節(jié),有幾個人物,他們之間是什么關(guān)系,以及故事發(fā)生在哪年哪月。作品涉及的社會背景,還要弄清楚作品通過記人敘事,揭示了人物什么樣的精神品質(zhì),反映了什么樣的社會現(xiàn)象,表達了作者什么思想感情,作品的哪些章節(jié)使人受感動,為什么這樣感動等等。其次,排好感點只要認(rèn)真讀好原作,一篇文章可以寫成讀后感的方面很多。如對原文中心感受得深可以寫成讀后感,對原作其他內(nèi)容感受得深也可以寫成讀后感,對個別句子有感受也可以寫成讀后感??傊?,只要是原作品的內(nèi)容,只要你對它有感受,都可能寫成讀后感,你需要把你所知道的都表示出來,這樣才干寫好讀后感。第三、選準(zhǔn)感點一篇文章,可以排出許多感點,但在一篇讀后感里只能論述一個中心,切不可面面俱到,所以緊接著便是對這些眾多的感點進行挑選比較,找出自己感受最深、角度最新,現(xiàn)實針對性最強、自己寫來又覺得順暢的一個感點,作為讀后感的中心,然后加以論證成文。第四、敘述要簡既然讀后感是由讀誕生感,那么在文章里就要敘述引起“感”的那些事實,有時還要敘述自己聯(lián)想到的一些事例。一句話,讀后感中少不了“敘”。但是它不同于記敘文中“敘”的請求。記敘文中的“敘”講究具體、形象、生動,而讀后感中的“敘”卻講究簡陋扼要,它不請求“感人”,只請求能引出事理。初學(xué)寫讀后感引述原文,一般毛病是敘述不簡要,實際上變成復(fù)述了。這主要是因為作者還不能掌握所要引述部分的精神、要點,所以才簡明不了。簡明,不是文字越少越好,簡還要明。第五,聯(lián)想要注意形式聯(lián)想的形式有相同聯(lián)想(聯(lián)想的事物之間具有相同性)、相反聯(lián)想(聯(lián)想的事物之間具有相反性)、相關(guān)聯(lián)想(聯(lián)想的事物之間具有相關(guān)性)、相承聯(lián)想(聯(lián)想的事物之間具有相承性)、相似聯(lián)想(聯(lián)想的事物之間具有相似性)等多種。寫讀后感特別要注意相同聯(lián)想與相似聯(lián)想這兩種聯(lián)想形式的運用。英語讀后寫作具體方法英語讀后寫作具體方法介紹 什么是讀后感?在讀過一篇文章或一本書之后,把獲得的感受、經(jīng)驗以及受到的教育、啟發(fā)等寫下來,寫成的文章就叫“讀后感”。讀后感怎么寫?讀后感的基本思路如下: (1)簡述原文有關(guān)內(nèi)容。如所讀書、文的篇名、作者、寫作年代,以及原書或原文的內(nèi)容概要。寫這部分內(nèi)容是為了交代感想從何而來,并為后文的議論作好鋪墊。這部分一定要突出一個“簡”字,決不能大段大段地敘述所讀書、文的具體內(nèi)容,而是要簡述與感想有直接關(guān)系的部分,略去與感想無關(guān)的東西。 (2)亮明基本觀點。篩選感受最深的一點,用一個簡潔的句子明確表述出來。這樣的句子可稱為“觀點句”。這個觀點句表述的,就是這篇文章的中心論點。“觀點句”在文中的位置是可以靈活的,可以在篇首,也可以在篇末或篇中。初學(xué)寫作的同學(xué),最好采用開門見山的方法,把觀點寫在篇首。 (3)環(huán)繞基本觀點擺事實講道理。這部分就是議論文的本論部分,是對基本觀點(即中心論點)的闡述,通過擺事實講道理證明觀點的正確性,使論點更加突出、更有說服力。這個過程應(yīng)注意的是,所擺事實、所講道理都必須緊緊環(huán)繞基本觀點,為基本觀點服務(wù)。 英語經(jīng)典讀后感范文英語經(jīng)典讀后感范文(一) Loves also thoroughly, hates thoroughly also. Repays a debt of gratitude also thoroughly, the revenge is also thorough. This is reads Christ mountain revenge in me records after the biggest feeling. China has the proverb is called the gentleman revenges, ten year not late , revenges also is needs to conserve strength, certainly is not may act rashly by reason of for a while the state of mind. But Christ mountain count, then was most concrete the motion explains this proverb with oneself.After experiences 14 years in prison, his life essential meaning was pursues ever the family member, ever benefactor and ever personal enemy. After confirmed had to seek person, he certainly did not have like us such which saw in the chivalric fiction novel, held the fist in the other hand cloud to the benefactor goes through fire or water, again did not hesitate , assassinated to the personal enemy one sword. He chose his own way.To ever had the graciousness to own ship owner one, he used up it energy, silently supported, by the various way, actually always did not let them know actually own was for repay a debt of gratitude. If he repays a debt of gratitude moving, then his revenge is so the incisiveness, also has several after us calls unavoidably to have the dessert is startled. 英語經(jīng)典讀后感范文(二) Helen Keller today read this book, I benefited greatly! Helen. Keller, This article describes the life of Helen sad but tenacious. The age of one in Helen, she was due to serious illness led to a blind and deaf. But Helen did not give up, still hard to learn, learning to speak. Emperor it pays off, Helen finally learned to talk, admitted to the university, became a world celebrity. Helen Keller difficulties do not retreat, but the courage to overcome difficulties, to me? Once, my father taught me to ride, I always do not mind, falling again and again, failed again and again, always feel impatient and always want to give up, so get in their studies. But after reading this article, Helen Keller brave defeat the disease of the spirit moved me, I am determined to learn cycling. This does not, now riding for me, is simply a piece of cake! Helen. Keller such a waist, self-unyielding, never-give-in spirit, we set an example, her own actions compose a song of life, beautiful music! 英語經(jīng)典讀后感范文(三) this winter, I read the book of Robinson Crusoe, their captors. Article describes multiple sailing in the whole island, Crusoe masters of extraordinary survival 28 years experience, strive for survival, show the ingenuity and a man with indomitable perseverance in the face of hardship persistent existence desire, the lonely and eager to rescue the mood. In a lonely island overcome Robinson was done with fear, a savage and said he was on Friday, they get along with each other, then built on Friday, Crusoe one kind of warm friendship. I also enjoy the disclosure of the business concept: Crusoe each sailing and adventure has clear commercial purpose, with his own property and calculating profit, he will also oneself life the island is his territory, in addition to reveal its economic thought, I admire John Robinson"s rich, more learning his b initiative and spirit of adventure, early efforts, hard work, and perfect kindness thought! 通過以上的內(nèi)容,我們已經(jīng)了解了英語讀后寫作具體方法是怎樣的了,這樣在進行英語讀后寫作的時候,就可以按照這些方法去寫了,假設(shè)還有疑惑的話,可以咨詢聽力課堂。